Freedom and Immorality: Not a Good Mixture for Progress

Decisions, decisions! As eyewitnesses and participants of this pivotal point in history, our choices will impact generations and set the tone for 21st
century living. Indeed, we are challenged with the responsibility of salvaging morality for the preservation of family and future generations. The time has come when what formerly worked for us as a nation is now being used against us — namely the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which guarantees freedom of speech. Under the protection of this noble decree, those at the helm of the entertainment industry, as well as the Internet, continuously present demoralizing messages to our youth, desensitizing them to perverted behaviors that defy God’s biblical laws. Where are we headed as a society if “anything goes?” The answer to this question is quite obvious: toward destruction and downfall. But we still have time to reverse it.

History teaches us that moral decay of any metropolis, nation, or empire leads to its ultimate demise. It happened to Sodom and Gomorrah; the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, and Roman empires; the medieval West African empires of Mali, Ghana, and Songhai to name a few. Rulers like Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Hannibal Barca, Askia the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolph Hitler rose into power and fell. Now it’s our turn. This morality issue is still serious business today as lives are at stake. Yet, our Creator, in all of His sovereignty, does not take away our dominion and free will to make choices. But don’t be unwise, every decision we make contrary to His will must be accounted for and has a consequence during our earthly lifetime and eternally. Even those who opt to remain neutral, rocking no boats, will not escape responsibility for that choice.
This puts us all in the valley of decision. What shall it be for you? Racism and hatred or brotherly love, fraud or honesty, religion or genuine relationships, abortion or birthing, sexual immorality or celibacy?… The list goes on. Each of us can begin making better choices concerning our own lifestyles. As civilians, we can void patronizing entities that publish immoral materials and products, and change the channel or turn off the TV when immoral acts are being televised. There are also things we can do to advocate morality. First, set an example. Then, write letters and e-mails to mayors, city councilpersons, state representatives, governors, the President, congresspersons, Supreme Court judges, network television executives, Federal Communication Commission members, and other people of influence, challenging them to take a stand for morality in their jurisdictions.

It seems that as a nation, we have drifted too far from respectfulness to our own detriment.  Let’s determine to move ahead with the personal changes that we know in our hearts we need to make.

About Purpose Guide

Ella Coleman is a professional speaker, purpose/vision consultant, publisher and author. She is publisher PURPOSE Magazine and president of Ellavation Publishing, LLC. The company provides book/magazine consultation, coaching, and publishing. Also, Ella is the founder of the Purpose For Life Foundation, an education facilitating, non-profit organization.