Purpose Featured Actor, Hill Harper, Runs for US Senate

Hill Harper, acclaimed for his portrayal of Dr. Marcus Andrews on the ABC medical drama “The Good Doctor,” is bidding farewell to the series as he pursues another dimension of his purpose – vying for a seat in the United States Senate. The 57-year-old actor, known for his roles in “Married…with Children,” “Get on the Bus,” “Beloved,” and “CSI: NY,” is leaving the show to concentrate on his campaign for the Democratic nomination in Michigan’s upcoming Senate race. Departing from the screen, Harper, a lawyer, union organizer, and single father hailing from Detroit, is driven by a fervent dedication to ensuring economic security and authentic representation for all Michiganders.

Harper’s decision to transition from acting to politics underscores his deeply-rooted commitment to public service, cultivated since his upbringing in the Midwest by two medical professionals. From his tenure at Harvard Law School to his advocacy for President Obama and service on the Cancer Panel, Harper’s trajectory reflects a steadfast pursuit of societal betterment. His Senate bid, propelled by a conviction in the necessity of independence and a focus on serving the populace over personal ambition, marks a pivotal juncture in his illustrious career.

Purpose Magazine featured Actor Hill Harper in its 2006 Special Men’s Edition. We congratulate Harper on pursuing another dimension of his purpose. More Updates to come!

Building Generational Wealth: How Your Actions Today Lay the Foundation for Tomorrow

By Pamela J. Sams

Understanding Generational Wealth

Generational wealth is often viewed as a distant goal, something that requires vast sums of money or a stroke of luck. However, the reality is that generational wealth starts with you, right here, right now. It is not solely about the money you amass but the habits, values, and decisions you cultivate that pave the way for prosperity to endure across generations.

Generational wealth refers to assets passed down from one generation to the next. It encompasses financial resources such as savings, investments, and property, but it also extends to intangible assets like education, values, and social capital. While financial inheritance is a part of it, the true essence of generational wealth lies in the ability to sustain and grow prosperity over time.

Shifting the Mindset

One of the first steps in building generational wealth is to shift our mindset from short-term gains to long-term sustainability. It is about prioritizing delayed gratification over instant gratification, making choices that may not yield immediate benefits but will have a compounding effect over time. This could mean investing in education, starting a business, or building a solid financial foundation through saving and prudent spending.

Investing in Yourself

Investing in yourself is perhaps the most crucial aspect of building generational wealth. This includes acquiring knowledge and skills that increase your earning potential, fostering a mindset of continuous learning and growth while prioritizing your physical and mental well-being. By investing in yourself, you not only improve your own prospects but also set an example for future generations to follow.

Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is another cornerstone of generational wealth. Understanding concepts like budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions that lay the groundwork for long-term prosperity. Teaching children about money management from a young age instills healthy financial habits that can last a lifetime and be passed down to subsequent generations.

Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation

Entrepreneurship is a powerful vehicle for creating generational wealth. By starting a business, individuals can generate income, build assets, and create a legacy that can be passed on to their descendants. Entrepreneurship also fosters innovation and resilience, qualities that are essential for navigating the ever-changing economic landscape.

Social Capital and Community Engagement

Building generational wealth is not just about individual success but also about contributing to the prosperity of your community. Engaging with your community, whether through volunteering, mentoring, or supporting local businesses, not only strengthens social bonds but also creates opportunities for collaboration and collective advancement. By investing in the well-being of your community, you create a legacy of shared prosperity that can benefit future generations.


Generational wealth is not a distant dream reserved for the privileged few; it is a journey that begins with you. By cultivating healthy financial habits, investing in yourself, fostering financial literacy, embracing entrepreneurship, and engaging with your community, you lay the foundation for prosperity to endure across generations. Remember, the actions you take today have the power to shape the wealth and well-being of future generations. Start building your legacy today.

Pamela J. Sams is a Financial Advisor with Jackson Sams Wealth Strategies. www.JacksonSams.com

How Are You ‘SHAPED’ For Destiny?

By Dr. Daniel Haupt

In the grand prophetic tapestry of life, there are two pivotal times that define our existence: the day we are born and the day we discover why. This sentiment underscores the profound truth that each of us is uniquely fashioned for a purpose and destiny beyond the confines of happenstance or coincidence. To elaborate on this theme, I urge you to delve into the depths of your being to uncover the divine blueprint that shapes your journey.
In a world fraught with distractions and uncertainties, the quest for purpose can seem like an elusive endeavor. Yet, destinies are not coincidental, but meticulously crafted plans ordained by the hand of God. Before inception, your purpose was etched into the annals of time and eternity, awaiting manifestation in the earthly realm. Embracing this truth frees us to transcend the transient, and align with the eternal, stepping boldly into our divine calling.
We are all intricately SHAPED by our Creator for a destiny infused with significance and intentionality, signaling us to accept our unique design. Accepting this original and personal blueprint, empowers us to stride
confidently into the fulfillment of our purpose. To unlock destiny, examine how you are SHAPED for purposeful living.

What Does it Mean to be SHAPED?
Few people discover their purpose to live destiny, but there are usable tools to unveil personal qualities and characteristics that aid in identifying purpose. How one is wired; personal traits, experiences, desires, and more, reveal how he or she is SHAPED. Destiny is a destination predetermined by God that unfolds through us. The SHAPED acronym serves as a guiding light, illuminating attributes that shape individual purpose and destiny. Each meaningful letter is explained below.

S stands for an array of Special Endowments or innate gifts God has invested in us, even before birth. These inbuilt abilities and talents can be performed perfectly to solve problems and add value to the lives of those we are called to impact. God has deposited in us His Spirit, which inspires us to greatness. If you are unaware of your gifts, abuse of them is almost unavoidable. The first step in living a purposeful life is to discover your natural endowments, which include anointings, gifts, callings, and talents. There is a divine reason and purpose for your existence. It could be music, singing, public speaking, inventing, writing, teaching, business, technical expertise, athletics, medical and healing, caring for others, etc. Special endowments are not earned but God-given. Yet, these need to be studied, practiced, and refined. What are your special endowments? Think about it and write it down.

H stands for Heartbeat because the heart is our divine instinct and the seat of intuition, visionary intelligence, passion, inspiration, and drive that impulsively direct our steps. Also, the heart fuels the operation of gifts by heart-felt instinct. It is that part of us that carries and sustains our yearning and energy on the route toward destiny. A healthy heart is the spring of a meaningful life; but a with daily defeated impulses can never win. Proverbs 17:22 (NIV) says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Just as the ear serves as an organ to hear audible sounds and help maintain balance in vertebrates, the heart is the inner ear through which we can connect with God and maintain balance while going through life. Dreams and purpose get nourished or famished in the heart. Everything we do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23). The heart operates the inward voice which provides direction and clarity on a path toward destiny that is a direct route but not a straight line.

A represents Ability, which is an essential aspect of our purpose and destiny equation.  Ability is what one is capable of through education, training, and experiences. So, abilities are developed into skills. Unlike Special Endowments, which flow naturally from within and from God, abilities and skills do not come naturally, but must be developed through education, training, practice, and experiences. Abilities and skills enable excellent performance in purpose that complements special endowments. For example, a talented vocalist may learn to read music and teach voice lessons for a living. The voice is the special endowment while reading music and teaching voice is an ability and skill. This could be working with children, electrical or plumbing work, nails and hair care, graphic designing, and other professional fields or hobbies. What abilities and skills have you learned and used for profitability, earnings, or to help others?

P is for Personality. Each personality opens a unique lens through which the world is viewed and responded to. It serves as a pattern, predicator or model for life and greatly influences what we are and become. Personality expert and author, David Funder, defines personality as “a collection of relatively discrete, independent and narrow social capacities.” It involves character, temperament, disposition, worldview, etc. The way God made your personality was determined by what He wants you to become and do. Introvert and extrovert personality types are distinctively designed by God for relating uniquely to others. However, God wired you to relate to your world with either left-brain or right-brain dominance; not both. For example, a person who is left-brained is more logical, analytical, and practical. The right-brained individual is more holistic, artistic, innovative, and emotional. According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. These two types of thinking are expressed in the way individuals apply their purpose and destiny to life.

E is for Experiences and Environments, which are involvements and places to build personal strengths and overcoming traits wherever we are born, grow up, attend school or church, live, work, or retire. Experiences and environments can be desirable or undesirable, challenging or easy, safe, or dangerous, but there is a reason for being there, whether we like it or not. There is a learning opportunity in every experience. God, being the Potter and Maker, places us in environments that are perfect for His plans for our lives. He allows certain experiences to shape us for our destiny. The experiences and environments in your life are fundamental to how you are “SHAPED” and prepared for the future. The wilderness sometimes is the route to the Promised Land and the dark valley can also lead to the sunlit hill and horizon. Allow experiences teach life lessons, enhance maturity, and make you stronger while going through enjoyable and painful times. Experience can bring out the excellence of God in you, especially if you learn to handle situations with prayer and God’s word. World renowned author and purpose expert, Myles Munroe, says, “Purpose transforms mistakes into miracles and turns disappointments into testimonies.” God does not see your past mistakes the way you see them. You might see a mess, but God sees a message and platform for miracles. “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21 NIV).

D is for Destiny—everything that will happen during our lifetime and in eternity, planned or unplanned. Yet, we are empowered to impact our destiny through decisions and actions. Everything about the way we are SHAPED leads us to purpose and destiny. One thing we all have in common is being born into the world with a purpose and destiny, which is a direct route not never a straight line. Purpose is the overall reason why we are here and there is no one born without a purpose. God says in Isaiah 46:10, “I have known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’”

In conclusion, explore how you have been SHAPED for an uncommon destiny. Through introspection and exploration, we uncover the Special Endowments, Heartbeat, Ability, Personality, Experiences and Environments, and Destiny that define our trajectory. Destiny is a destination with a purpose for which we were made, not a purpose we made for ourselves. So never try to become someone else. You are uniquely designed for your destiny. For in the crucible of purpose, we discover the essence of our being and the fullness of our potential. Let us heed the words of 1 Peter 2:9, recognizing our inherent nobility as a chosen generation, destined to illuminate the world with the radiance of our purpose. May we rise to the occasion, embracing our destiny with courage and conviction, knowing that we are SHAPED for such a time as this.

What God has made crooked, let no man make straight. -Ecclesiastes 7:13    

Nurturing Greatness

History is constructed through the fulfilling of purpose. A close study of lives of pioneers, pathfinders, and history-makers will reveal challenges they had to overcome. Such an observation provides a greater understanding of what it actually took for heroes and “sheroes” to carry out specific tasks and missions. There is much labor and sacrifice that accompany greatness.

The ongoing challenge is to be effective in areas we operate and live.  Empowerment is only realized when we learn how to create and utilize tools to build better lives for themselves and others.

Each individual is divinely designed to carry out a specific mission but must answer the call that tugs the heart. Deep down inside there is something that others need which each individual has, and the challenge is to stir it until it rises to the surface and overflows in expression. And make no mistake, it takes courage to rise up and answer one’s call. Also, keep in mind that many people carry out their missions behind the scene. The key is seeking, discovering, being oneself and moving into the position for which he or she was created to serve in. Everyone, great or small, was created to serve in some capacity.

Our sphere of influence expands as we recognize, nurture and use not only our gifts but also the gifts in others.  The opportunity to nurture and develop is all around us.  Each new birth is a major occurrence. Whether it is the birth of a baby, a vision, or a nation, the dynamics of nurturing and developing must be activated for healthy growth and maturity to take place. One broken bond or single evil seed can affect the fate of hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people. Thus, each child is precious.

So, it is the responsibility of parents, guardians, teachers, visionaries, and the heads of state to provide for and protect person(s) or thing(s), which have been entrusted to them. Good stewardship is critical to the realization and fulfillment of purpose. Human suffering is perpetual because of malfunctions and breakdowns in individuals, families, communities and governments. Most of the disheartening situations witnessed today are the results of someone’s shirking, avoiding, or “dropping the ball” of responsibility.

Yet, no matter what is occurring around us, we have the power to focus intensely, engaging ourselves in meaningful activities, which produce fruitfulness. When God said, “Be fruitful and multiply,” He meant it to be in more ways than one. Babies, visions, and nations come forth through us, and what we do with what we have been given determines our destinies.


“… Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion …  – Genesis 1:28 NKJV



Freedom and Immorality: Not a Good Mixture for Progress

Decisions, decisions! As eyewitnesses and participants of this pivotal point in history, our choices will impact generations and set the tone for 21st
century living. Indeed, we are challenged with the responsibility of salvaging morality for the preservation of family and future generations. The time has come when what formerly worked for us as a nation is now being used against us — namely the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which guarantees freedom of speech. Under the protection of this noble decree, those at the helm of the entertainment industry, as well as the Internet, continuously present demoralizing messages to our youth, desensitizing them to perverted behaviors that defy God’s biblical laws. Where are we headed as a society if “anything goes?” The answer to this question is quite obvious: toward destruction and downfall. But we still have time to reverse it.

History teaches us that moral decay of any metropolis, nation, or empire leads to its ultimate demise. It happened to Sodom and Gomorrah; the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, and Roman empires; the medieval West African empires of Mali, Ghana, and Songhai to name a few. Rulers like Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Hannibal Barca, Askia the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolph Hitler rose into power and fell. Now it’s our turn. This morality issue is still serious business today as lives are at stake. Yet, our Creator, in all of His sovereignty, does not take away our dominion and free will to make choices. But don’t be unwise, every decision we make contrary to His will must be accounted for and has a consequence during our earthly lifetime and eternally. Even those who opt to remain neutral, rocking no boats, will not escape responsibility for that choice.
This puts us all in the valley of decision. What shall it be for you? Racism and hatred or brotherly love, fraud or honesty, religion or genuine relationships, abortion or birthing, sexual immorality or celibacy?… The list goes on. Each of us can begin making better choices concerning our own lifestyles. As civilians, we can void patronizing entities that publish immoral materials and products, and change the channel or turn off the TV when immoral acts are being televised. There are also things we can do to advocate morality. First, set an example. Then, write letters and e-mails to mayors, city councilpersons, state representatives, governors, the President, congresspersons, Supreme Court judges, network television executives, Federal Communication Commission members, and other people of influence, challenging them to take a stand for morality in their jurisdictions.

It seems that as a nation, we have drifted too far from respectfulness to our own detriment.  Let’s determine to move ahead with the personal changes that we know in our hearts we need to make.

Family Father and Mother with two children

The Eight Steps to Loving Your Child Through Purposeful Discipline

By Dr. Domenick Maglio

An undisciplined child typically develops destructive behavioral patterns that hurt him or her as well as others. On the other hand, a disciplined child will learn constructive methods that will assist him in his interacting with the world. But the most important part of discipline is that it must be purposeful.

What is Purposeful Discipline?

Purposeful Discipline is a demonstration of one person’s love for another. When parents are intentionally disciplining their child to alter a destructive behavior, the parents are actually expressing love toward their child.
The reason for Purposeful Discipline is for the parent to provide the child with teaching or training that will assist in developing moral values and behaviors. These values and behaviors have worked and passed the test of time and have been proven to be effective in developing a healthy individual.

The Four Requirements of a Parent Who Wants to Use Purposeful Discipline
1. Parents should be responsible and emotionally mature
2. Parents should be able to meet their children’s concrete physical needs
3. Parents should ready to actively teach through Purposeful Discipline
4. Parents should be willing to be firm and consistent their discipline

Eight Steps of Purposeful Discipline
1. Be in charge. Your child is your solemn responsibility to raise. The child is not your friend or your equal. To become a friend or equal to the child, the parent has to consciously distort reality. Parents who play the phony game of “I’m your equal” lose their authority as parents.

2. Role model moral values. Adults who are ready to be parents possess awareness and emotional maturity as well as know the behavior and thought patterns their children need to have to be morally productive people in their future. For parents to begin the process of instilling values in the mind of the child, the parents need to believe in these values, to agree with each other these values are positive for the development of the child, and most importantly, role model these values and behaviors.

3. Communicate the positives of moral values. After parents reach an agreement with each other on the values and expectations they desire in their child, the parents create parameters. A parameter is the defining of the expected general value to be internalized by the child. This is demonstrated by examples that give the pictures they want their children to internalize. The more creative energy the parents use in various situations to communicate these parameters, the clearer and more focused the child’s picture is in his head of what the parents expect from him.

4. Set limits and expectations. Parents set limits and expectations when they state the rules of what the child can and cannot do. As the parents observe the child’s behavior, the parent may see that the child often wanders outside of the established parameters. The parent sees the discrepancy between the parameter (desired value) and the child’s inappropriate behavior. To move the child back inside the lines of the parameter, the parents announce to the child the rules of what the child can and cannot do.

5. Prepare child with anticipated consequences. Once the parameters and corresponding limits are set, situational preparation logically follows. The particular situation that is going to occur, such as visiting relatives, going to church, and taking a day trip, requires that the parents prepare the children as to their specific expectations. Parents need to give the child the anticipation of a reward or punishing consequences for or inappropriate behavior. By spelling out the parent’s expectations to the child, the parents are setting up a forced choice that increases the probability of the child displaying the socially approved behavior.

6. Debrief after the event. After the specific event, the parents debrief the children on how things went according to their perception. The children were forewarned by the prepping and should be evaluated immediately following the situational event.

7. Administer consequences. Parents need to observe the child and give rewarding or punishing consequences depending on the behavior exhibited. Consequences are responses to behavior that increase or decrease the probability of a person adhering to a specific behavior. Using consequences shows the determination of an adult to enforce the limits and maintain the integrity as parental authority figures.

8. Discuss purpose of the discipline. Finally, the parents will ask the children or tell them the reason for the discipline in order to increase the understanding and decrease resentment. Depending upon the age of the child, the parent explains how his choices affect the family, friends, and his own development as a person. The younger the child, the simpler is the explanation. The older the child, the more complex is the explanation of the reason for the specific consequence.

Providing the child with values such as love, obedience, respectfulness, empathy, honesty, independence, willpower, conscience, critical thinking, pain control, social skills, and safety awareness is an expression of love. Parents who consciously pass on their wisdom through Purposeful Discipline will eventually create a child who is internalizing the process of becoming self-disciplined. The emergence of a young individual’s self-discipline is a sure sign of parental love for the child.

Dr. Domenick J. Maglio has been an educator and psychologist for over 45 years. He is the author of In-Charge Parenting: In a P.C. Nation. For more information, please visit, www.drmaglio.com and connect with him on Twitter, @djmaglio.

Understanding the Purpose Process

The route to purpose is different for each individual. For one person, living purpose is as simple as making the choice to do what is in his or her heart. Still, for another, who is clueless of their reason for being, more is required. But one must, at least, be willing to pursue it.
Purpose must be brought to term before delivery. Being pregnant with purpose can be uncomfortable. The uneasiness, heaviness, and awkwardness may cramp your style but the life coming forth is well worth it. Note that purpose is dynamic and not stagnant, just as a fetus keeps moving in the womb and must turn to prepare for birth. Labor is not always easy and it can be painful. Yet, it is necessary to birth a vision.
Where are you in the process of God’s purpose for your life? Perhaps you are already fulfilling it, but there is still more to accomplish. Or maybe you are frustrated because who you are does not line up with what you do. Do not fret. You are alive and can do something about it.
In reality, things are not always what they seem…that you’ll never get there—to your rightful place—your unique identity and fitting function. Even though there seems to be a delay, you have the power to do your part. This means letting go of how you see things and focusing on the way God views things, which is recorded throughout the Bible. Talking about a shift, this requires major adjustments for most of us. Thoughts must also be reconfigured to accommodate the spiritual and intellectual potential coiled in your true identity.
In some ways, who we are can be frightening. Just thinking about all the responsibility and work that comes with pursuing purpose or embarking upon a vision could cause one to run from it, ignore it, and perhaps, even deny it. But we are endowed with the power to conquer fear and intimidation, and abandon rejection. And as the battle rages, One much greater than us and the demons that haunts us, awaits our faithful action. Now, take courage. Release the lion out of the lamb in you and walk into your greater purpose.
“…Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called…” Ephesians 4:1b NKJV

Release the lion out of the lamb in you and walk into your greater purpose.

The is an excerpt from my latest book, “PURPOSEFUL LIVING: Building an Authentic Life and Legacy” With Purpose, Screen Shot 2014-10-16 at 8.52.32 PMElla Coleman

A Motive Check-Up

What in the world are you doing?” is not only the title of a challenging poem by author Claressa Beckhon but an inquiry of accountability.  No question, the motives for what we do and why deserve serious examination. Caught up in the rush of the day and era, time can easily slip away, leaving behind only a reality of how we spent it. Whether we use it wisely or foolishly, we reflect the sum total of every second, minute, hour, week, month, year, and decade of our lives.

In this vast garden called life, that which is planted and nurtured sprouts and grows — good, bad, or indifferent — bearing the fruits of our labor. Ultimately, we cannot camouflage the life we are living or the seeds we are planting.

Many of us are so busy but is all of the busyness linked to our true purpose? Consider that a tremendous amount of energy and synergy is exerted daily into jobs, projects, programs, popular events, and lofty endeavors. But is fulfillment a fruit we enjoy as a result of our labor? Let’s give ourselves what I call the “fulfillment of purpose test” as we personally answer the following ten questions.

1)   Am I being myself?

2)   Am I doing what is truly in my heart to do?

3)   What are the motives of my current actions?

4)   Are my thoughts, actions and work strictly for self or for the good of others as well?

5)   Am I spending quality time with God, the children, family members, and friends He placed in my life?

6)   Am I committed to a worthwhile cause?

7)   Do I have short- and long-term goals for my life?

8)   Am I working on a God-inspired vision, either my own or a corporate vision involving others?

9)   Do I help someone other than myself each day?

10)  Does my life set a good example for children and others to follow?

When these questions are honestly addressed and adhered to, then other questions that arise from numbing tragedies will not haunt us. Like international minister and author Dr. Myles Munroe, I believe we were born to lead at some capacity but must be taught how. Good leadership starts with a healthy relationship with God and spreads to others.

As success advocate Peter Lowe states, “Americans aren’t sure you can be successful and love God. The Bible says you can’t be successful without loving God.” I must boldly declare, leadership that is not based in a love for God is dangerous. Why? Because God gives us life, breath, and all things (Genesis 2:7 and Acts 17:25); to have no love or reverence for God means spiritual blindness is present. If the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.

Love, responsibility and accountability are the checks and balances of good leadership. Oh, anyone can evade or try to escape these three mandatory requirements, but it takes honesty, courage, commitment, and patience to embrace and live them. And when one is empowered with integrity–the sum-total of the aforementioned characteristics—his/her motive is purified.


“Live in peace with each other. And we urge you brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”

– 1 Thessalonians 5:13-14 NIV


Ultimately, we cannot camouflage the life we are living or the seeds we are planting.

Race Relations

What we perceive is not always what is. Messages in the form of pictures, words, sounds, and vibrations are targeted at us each day via people, television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. Some of the information is impressive enough to compel and evoke us to make assumptions, pass judgments, and draw conclusions. Other sensational messages even provoke weak and wicked souls to violence, racial division, and hatred.

The media coverage of news, world events, and issues does affect public and private opinions. As I reminisce about my study of “cameras in the courtrooms” as a journalism student years ago before TV cameras were allowed into hearings and trials, I can see now why I was suspect of it. Now there are channels dedicated covering trials. TV coverage of the O.J. Simpson murder trial was extreme to say the least. Hurting people in this real-life crisis were treated like actors in a continuous saga. Innocent or guilty, can defendants get a fair trial with so too media coverage?

Finally, the reading of the not guilty verdict caused all kinds of reactions. The media said a majority of Blacks were happy about the verdict, while a majority of Whites were unhappy. Well, what did they expect? America has a shameful history of legal slavery, Jim Crow laws, discrimination, and racism that has perpetuated ongoing divisions and distractions to deceive people from completing their higher missions.

The race of a person should not matter when it comes to justice or any other factor in life. In fact, race diversity is one of God’s gifts to humanity, offering variety and beauty. Each race has special gifts to help all humanity. We all should feel good about who we are and the race we were born into. However, if we listen to popular rhetoric, inferiority and superiority complexes will invade us.
To cleanse ourselves from deception on all levels, we must erase all of our perceptions and preconceived ideas, then prayerfully begin our ingestion of information (scriptures first) with a clear and open mind and a willing spirit.

Optical illusions look so real. Yet, when the viewing angle on an object is altered or the object is moved, a whole new picture is seen. But why didn’t we see it in the first place? Human beings will one day see the real picture of their lives, purposes, and destinies, asking this same baffling question – “why didn’t we see it in the first place? However, we have the power to refuse a destiny of regret.

To live life effectively and purposefully, fulfilling our higher mission — to glorify our Maker and return to Him — we must have a clean heart created and a right spirit renewed within us. This can only be done through our Creator with our cooperation.

“Judge not that ye be not judged.”- Matthew 7:1

Ella Coleman


The Work-Play Equilibrium

The balance of work and plaMP900078608y paves the road to quality living. The symmetry of these two are absolutely necessary.  All work and no play or all play and no work can be self-defeating. However, blending labor with fun and leisure is a target worth the aim and the shooting. And there’s no sweeter place than the bull’s-eye of a balanced life. Yet today, few people come close to the center.  Some work too much and have little or no fun while others become engrossed in entertainment, recreation and over indulgence.

Oh, go ahead and have fun, only don’t let fun have the best of you.  Some folks try so hard to enjoy themselves until they defeat the reason for it in the first place–to refresh, rest and replenish from work and routine.  Having fun with focus should be the goal. Vacations, family reunions, hiking, biking, and trips to amusement parks and beaches are fun activities but should be balanced with allotted times for quietness and stillness. So much is going on until it’s go, go, go.  The “merry-go-round” of life is exciting for a while but eventually all riders want to stop and get off. Twenty-four hours in circles is not going to get it when it comes to enjoying a fulfilling life.

To get a new lease on life for returning to work more rejuvenated than ever, be wise in how you have fun. If fun is finished with a hangover, tired baggy eyes, more stress or a feeling of guilt for some ungodly thing that was done, what’s the purpose? Well, there is no purpose in wasted time and energy, even in the name of fun.

On the other end of the spectrum, being a workaholic can be unhealthy as well.  Is it really worth it to work one’s life away and miss out on all other important aspects of living, like enjoying a mate, children, family, friends, church and community? Obsessed with the next task, a labor extremist can get so caught up in their work, career or ministry that it’s too late when they realize they are out of touch with their loved ones.  It’s a rude awakening to wake up one day and realize they don’t know their wife, husband, children, family or friends anymore.  So, all work and no
play or recess can be just as damaging as unbalanced fun.

Many people have been caught up in a loop between work and play only to find themselves burnt out, empty and unfulfilled. For instance, rest, exercise, and healthy eating and thinking contribute to one’s health and wellness. Without such basic discipline, eventually an individual will be too unhealthy to carry out his or her mission in life.

Understandably, preparation and process for a success requires sacrifice. Sometimes family members must give up some of their time with loved ones who are completing a degree or special training for a specific occupation, profession, or ministry. Yet, in all the prerequisites of achievement, one should strive for balance by scheduling in family and recreational activities. Although such priorities should be automatic or “a given” and seem elementary, they are the cause of many divorces and broken relationships.

So, when is work and play balanced and effective? When they both enhance one’s own life and the lives of others in some small or great way. Work and recreation should create a healthy equilibrium that enhance the quality of life. Remember, success without good relationships and work without play can leave one empty and unfulfilling. There is no need to live under par when balance and prosperity is available to us.

“There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.”    – Ecclesiastes 2:24 KJV